Foundations of Society

The personal ethics and morals of each individual collectively form the foundation of society. Our society is beginning to fall apart in some ways due to a growing sentiment that such things are irrelevant, and individuals are “free.” Furthermore, it has also become popular to view society as some kind of machine or system that produces citizens, while the reverse is actually true. Though circumstances do influence individuals to a certain extent, society does not make people; rather, people make society. A society is only as good as its members choose to be. People who choose to lead lives devoid of responsibility, morals, hard work, and self-discipline, will create a society devoid of these elements as well. Where is the answer to societal improvement? It’s in ourselves.

1 thought on “Foundations of Society

  1. Paul

    “…it has also become popular to view society as some kind of machine or system that produces citizens, while the reverse is actually true.”

    Well stated.


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